Arduino Solar Panel: Connecting the Arduino to Solar Power

Arduino is a single-board microcontroller kit that’s used to build digital devices. At this point, it may seem like there’s no relation between solar panels and an Arduino board, but there is a way to solar power an Arduino. In certain countries where agriculture is the mainstay of the economy, people take news regarding weather […]

How to Monitor the Temperature of Solar Pool Heaters

A pool heating system is costly. According to a new study, heating swimming pools costs customers billions yearly. Because of the high energy costs, many households are turning to solar power to help heat their pools to lower their energy bills. You may have wondered, “How hot can my solar pool heater get?” It is, […]

How Generation Solar Data Helps in Grid Integration

Because of the unpredictability in cloud cover, electricity output from PV power plants is usually inconsistent. When the substantial capacity of photovoltaics is linked with the grid in a particular location, the irregular nature of solar PV can pose severe issues in grid management. Even so, the effects of a high amount of inconsistent electricity […]

Solar Energy Adoption in Vietnam

The rising number of power outages jeopardized the government’s economic momentum a few years ago, prompting it to resort to the solar sector. Years of fierce expansion meant that power consumption from factories established by international conglomerates skyrocketed. A plan to accomplish that target with an ambitious array of coal power stations has slipped off […]

The Pricing Model of Generation Solar Data

Solar energy is an accelerating industry that is quickly expanding over the world. And, given that this increase in solar power output is a global phenomenon, we assume the solar data services that allow it will be as well. This is the type of thinking that our Generation Solar Data team aims to. Our passion, […]

Solar Energy Sector in Australia

Australia, a global leader in residential rooftop photovoltaic panels adoption, has smashed its own milestone for the number of solar installations in a year once more. According to Australia’s national research center, CSIRO, installations were up over 30% over the previous year in 2020. While their national government officials are dragging on climate action, data […]

Satellite-Derived Data for Assessing PV Asset Performance

Global deployed solar energy production is expected to surpass 1 Terawatt within the next year. Who is in charge of monitoring and database management to ensure the performance of all these photovoltaic assets? And what solar data are they using to determine how much an asset should really generate? Bigger assets have irradiance monitors for […]

Rooftop Solar

We use the most recent satellite images from several weather satellites to estimate and forecast PV electricity generation worldwide. We monitor the most recent cloud cover conditions surrounding your rooftop electricity generation system and use advanced prediction algorithms to determine where the cloud cover will travel ahead. How to Use Generation Solar Data Rooftop Solar […]

Inputs and Algorithms

We collect the most recent images based on the sample rate of the chosen satellite and load them into our cloud-based storage system. Then, using a statistical ensemble, we compute over 600 million projections every hour, refreshing all of our prediction data with each fresh satellite photo. We call this “Rapid Update” modeling, and we […]

Solar Data API

We generate real-time estimations of solar irradiance and solar energy throughout the world and projections based on where cloud coverage will shift next. We predict solar irradiance and PV power from +5 minutes up to 7 days in advance globally. Our live information is available in real-time for the preceding week. Our APIs operate via […]