Rooftop Solar

We use the most recent satellite images from several weather satellites to estimate and forecast PV electricity generation worldwide. We monitor the most recent cloud cover conditions surrounding your rooftop electricity generation system and use advanced prediction algorithms to determine where the cloud cover will travel ahead. How to Use Generation Solar Data Rooftop Solar […]

Inputs and Algorithms

We collect the most recent images based on the sample rate of the chosen satellite and load them into our cloud-based storage system. Then, using a statistical ensemble, we compute over 600 million projections every hour, refreshing all of our prediction data with each fresh satellite photo. We call this “Rapid Update” modeling, and we […]

Solar Data API

We generate real-time estimations of solar irradiance and solar energy throughout the world and projections based on where cloud coverage will shift next. We predict solar irradiance and PV power from +5 minutes up to 7 days in advance globally. Our live information is available in real-time for the preceding week. Our APIs operate via […]